Sunday, November 17, 2013

4th week in OCS

Back from leadership challenge 3D2N camp
Day 1 - build a big tent for a section size group to sleep
Day 2 - Sleep in the jungle alone 

Never forget being reprimanded while i was in deep sleep on the first night, we are not allowed to wear boots & sleep (hygiene).
Woke up with my buddy & we was rushing to take off our boots & get back to sleep.
It was a very fun & exciting experience for the staying in jungle on the 2nd night.
We will only be given a ground sheet & a trash bag we need to build a shelter alone, no longer like in BMT sleeping with buddy under same shelter.
Cut the trash bag into half & use it for me to sleep on.
We will also require to do reflection after we build our shelter in the jungle.
It was a very peaceful to be alone in jungle.
Then we was told to do a section gift, i took a dead fall and crave something for my section

I craved a wood with all the outer rough surface being cut away.
It represent us, we are just a random group of people who were chosen by the MINDEF, dead fall everywhere in jungle..
Reason it is cut into the inner layer, it represent that our relationship, as we know each other better, we will do things more better & smoother ,that's why the surface become smoother & the outer layer is being cut away.
The candle liquid that is form outside the wood represent our swear, the whole wood represent our wing.

I crave very late at night, while i was cutting it, suddenly I though of my girl, thinking that it was our 8months together I couldn't able to get a things for her, so i crave something for her represent us, a wood that crave our date together and a heart shape behind, then ask her to write her name on one side of her love shape & i will write my name on one side of the love shape. Then combine together it represent I <3 her .
So i crave until very late before i went to sleep.

The next day, woke up ....
We were told to fall in down the slope out the jungle on the main road, marching back to wing line.
While we were told to fall in....
My PC called out my name infront of everyone, ask me to look for my section PC later...
Being paranoid of me, I keep thinking what i did yesterday that resulted into this....
The whole journey back to wing line I was thinking & thinking...

After we reached our wing line, we were told to fall in at the training shed within 3 min...
We ran!We rushed!
But we couldn't hit the timing, then we were told to fall in a basketball court within 3 min again~
At this moment, my PC shouted out for me!
"Where OCT ZHI WEI ?","Come look for me now!!",
I ran over & he keep question me, what have i done wrong.... keep asking me to recall & "mind fuck" me..
I think over & over again... asking if it because i sleep too late or I light my candle beside my shelter...
Then he said I did something that causes the platoon PC unhappy about me...
Asked me to run to the court & explain to him & form up together with them...
-Everyone was already in push up position & they are already doing push up few times ....
Then once again I was being question again, "mind-fucked" again, asking me what I did & want me to explain to everyone...
But i tried & try & the answer was wrong...
So he said " Nevermind... now you tell me , how many push up they have done?"
I answer it wrong... someone corrected me that they did 22..
That make me blur, confused & don't know what to do.... felt guilty to make the platoon to do push up because of me "once again"..
So.... while i keep thinking & thinking..
Sir asked me one last time,"So you know why they are being knock-down? "
He continue to say," Nevermind... everyone recover!"

~B'day songs started .... everyone recover & sing b'day song to me..
hahahaha it was a memorable b'day I could get in my camp...
Also that day was the exact b'day date of mine...
Got really surprise & appreciate the mini-celebration of  cake for all the oct/nov people in Sierra wing.

Next.... got my gf angry on sat, reason was same again..
Answer her in a rude way because of her asking me if I wanted to go into that cafe to have our dinner..
The kindness of her resulted in the rudeness of mine , but I appreciate how fast she can forget & forgive me~
I really really feel bad for reacting such attitude towards her...
Got to note it down all the bad things i done & make sure I know what have i done wrong....
Recall & learn from my mistake..
Reflect - I got to know this.. I am tired , my girl also tired but just because of my selfishness I neglected her feeling?
I should learn to know what i am doing, saying no matter what...
Tired = excuse
I will not use it as an excuse for whatever i have done wrong~

(Rushing through post)

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